Hiring an ideal cook is not an easy Job! the cook needsto understand your tastes, preferences & also your way of cooking meals. Domestic cook is all about that, making the dishes as per your style, taste & preference. You can rely on Global Hunt to find that right cook for your household. We can find you all types ofcooksas per yourrequirement - be it a Maharaj, Marathi, North Indian, South Indian, Jain, Bengali etc.
Please note that while we try our best to find you the right cook who meets your requirement, we advise you to guide the cook during the initial days to help the cook prepare meals suited best for your family’s taste.
People are often habitual to their traditional food and not every cook or a maid can cook the food they want. On the other side some people are used to different types of food but do not have the time to cook being working professionals in the metro cities. If you and your spouse are one of the people who want timely breakfast early in the morning before leaving for work you have no other option than having a good cook or a maid who can cook. Some professionals have irregular schedules where there are no regular meal timings. In this case, a home cook proves extremely helpful since you can get fresh meals anytime during the day or night whenever you arrive home or are going out.
With Global Hunt you can choose a cook for vegetarian and non-vegetarian cooking based on your preferences.
Global Hunt has a large database of Domestic Cooks and provides its clients with good quality options. Ourteam understands your requirement carefully and provides you with all necessary information about the placementin an utmost transparent manner. No matter what your requirement is, we have a strong confident team that will close your requirement faster than any other platform in the city. Not just placement, our super responsive client support team is always just a phone call away to help you in case you need a replacement or assistance with any hiring related issues.